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Akhiropiitos Monastery

The Akhiropiitos monastery is built on the ruins of an early Christian basilica of the 6th century, but it has been rebuilt many times, and the buildings show signs of early Christian, Byzantine and Frankish architecture. The main temple dates from the 11th century.

The monastery was the religious centre of the area, and until 1222 was the headquarters of the Bishop of Lambousa, one of the 15 Bishops of the island.

A local legend says that the shroud in which Joseph of Arimathea wrapped the dead Jesus was brought here, and rested in the basilica until 1452. Marguerete de Charny, a descendent of a nobleman of Champagne who was said to have obtained it during the crusades, then presented it to the Cathedral at Turin.


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by: iZorlu
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